Instructions to Authors on Submission of Abstracts
Abstracts for the SAPA-SLCP Congress 2024 should conform to the following requirements and specifications.
- Abstracts should be submitted electronically via the abstract submission portal.
- Abstracts should be based on original research, clinical audits, case reports, or case series directly related to paediatrics.
- Abstracts of original research and clinical audits should be structured into the following sub-headings.
(i) Introduction
(ii) Objective
(iii) Methods
(iv) Results
(v) Conclusions - Abstracts of case reports or case series should be structured into the following sub-headings.
(i) Introduction
(ii) Case presentation
(iii) Conclusions - Tables, figures or references should not be included in the abstract.
- The text of the abstract should not exceed 300 words.
- Authors should specify whether the submission is for oral or poster presentation or to be considered for both. However, case reports will only be considered for poster presentation.
- The abstract should be submitted before the deadline, 21st April 2024.
- The presenting author should be registered with the congress within two weeks of being informed of the acceptance of the abstract. If this is not complied with, the abstract will be removed from the Scientific Programme and the Congress Proceedings without further notification.
- The author/s should take full intellectual responsibility for the work described in the submitted abstract.
- Ethical clearance should have been obtained in all appropriate situations.
- All interventional studies and clinical trials should have been registered with a recognized clinical trials registry.
- The Editors of the Congress Proceedings Book reserve the right to make alterations, edit text and modify the abstract to improve the presentation.
Abstracts not conforming to the above specifications and instructions will not be entertained and will be rejected.
Once accepted, no revisions or alterations, including insertion and deletion of the names of authors, would be permitted.